
Showing posts from May, 2020

Dad You Are As Smart As Iron Man As Strong Hulk As Fast As Superman As Brave As Batman As Cool As Spiderman You Are My Favorite Superhero shirt

Third and finally, the rank down. What a wild ride it has been. In the same way, a rollercoaster is wild when it starts out normally with its ups and downs and loop de loops but breaks down somewhere after the halfway point and has to be arduously pushed manually through the rest of the track in a process that takes six months. We made it to the top ten, and with a lack of any character, I outright dislike, I can’t complain. But I will anyway. Kinda stings to Dad You Are As Smart As Iron Man As Strong Hulk As Fast As Superman As Brave As Batman As Cool As Spiderman You Are My Favorite Superhero shirt just barely miss top 3. Four is truly the number of bad luck, or whatever. Kouichi Oumau is truly an underrated gem.I can’t say the current status of the top 10 is ideal for me. Kaede winning again would be funny and also in line with my takes, but also a bit underwhelming. Given the current situation, I think my ideal winner would be Aoi. Wow. What a huge load of nonsense that was. I can’

Nice Pug If You Can’t Convince Them Confuse Them Vintage shirt

To mention some things I think are what he’s talking about regarding fan reaction, player criticism, and employee communication: The original release of World 2 didn’t go well. 2-1 had this weirdly timed geyser mechanic in the rivers and much more extreme unrecoverable river knockback that would Nice Pug If You Can’t Convince Them Confuse Them Vintage shirt pretty much push players to the edge (Falling deaths were 1 entire life lost, not just a heart) and was impossible for laggier players, while 2-2 had a LOT of instant-death arrow traps and falling deaths. 2-3 was similarly frustrating while instant death falls existed.People were really, really pissed off, and took to map chat, Reddit, and forums to hate on and insult SAB plus Anet in every way. Anet also happened to release the infinite continue coin in the gemstone, and there were accusations that W2 was designed to make players buy them. Josh had a Nice Pug If You Can’t Convince Them Confuse Them Vintage shirt post on how he was

Official Jennifer Carpenter on Quarantine 2008 shirt

It is a really good movie, but you can’t really encapsulate it into a trailer. It’s a slow burn with the last 80-ish minutes being a chase/standoff. They really didn’t show much of anything major in the trailer, though, which is surprising. The Brawl in Cell Block 99 trailer was equally odd and did a poor job selling the movie. The trailer that was on Vimeo and was pulled was a far better representation of the movie, although it had way more spoilers in it. I don’t know how it could be Official Jennifer Carpenter on Quarantine 2008 shirt fake if it was filled with actual footage from the movie; some of it overlapped with things here, notably the car shots with Vaughn and Gibson and the bank shots with Carpenter. It was most likely one that was cut together but they passed on.Loved Tomahawk and after Cellblock, I already knew I was going to watch anything this guy makes. I absolutely love his style. Slowly building the story up with great characters, dialogue, and drama, slowly upping t

Nice I May Be Old But I Was A Godsmack Band Girl When It Was Cool Vintage shirt

Your daughter was right. This is very misogynistic. You’ve expressed outright disappointment that your son has predominantly “feminine” interests (which, like…do only girls cook? Do only girls have imaginations?? There is absolutely nothing wrong with things being feminine but those Nice I May Be Old But I Was A Godsmack Band Girl When It Was Cool Vintage shirt aren’t even girly girl things).Also, why are you so against your daughter having “masculine” interests? (Which, again, is illogical. Women also lift weights). YTA for more reasons than one, OP. Hope you do some introspection.IMO we shouldn’t be calling anyone trash here.Especially, in this case, he’s a dad who clearly loves his kids and is coming from some degree of misguided ideas. And he posted here because he was admitting that maybe there’s something about his actions that he is questioning himself. Takes bravery to do that. Not trash.Yeah, when I showed interest in developing muscles, my dad showed me how to do the basics p

Official And On The 8th Day God Created Drummer And The Devil Stood At Attention Vintage shirt

With the beginning of the New Kingdom, the lock of youth achieved central significance as a special symbol of the princes and princesses of the 18th Dynasty. Particularly notable is the connection of the lock of youth with princesses, who as children of the reigning king were also seen as probable heirs and therefore were also depicted with the Horus lock. The sidelock was generally worn on the right. In reliefs, it can be depicted on the Official And On The 8th Day God Created Drummer And The Devil Stood At Attention Vintage shirt left or the right, since otherwise, the lock would not be visible on a figure in profile facing left. A strand of hair was separated off from the side of the skull, itself further separated into three individual braids. The braided portion was held in place by a clasp at its point of origin.Thereafter there were several different possibilities, such as the triple-braided sidelock, whose three strands converged in a spiral. Only in a few cases was it gathered

Official Scuba Diving I Work Well Under Pressure Glasses Vintage shirt

Great write up, much respect… honestly surprisingly well written. I am surprised nobody in the Cards sub mentioned the biggest factor being the O-line. We have seen glimpses of both sides this year, if they continue to play the way they have we will need a miracle, there is no Official Scuba Diving I Work Well Under Pressure Glasses Vintage shirt deep threat on your ‘iffy’ secondary if Palmer is constantly on the ground. If they step it up like earlier in the year we have a chance. Also aside from the obvious players on our defense watch for Deone Bucannon, it can be a game-changer. Don’t know how much national attention that dude gets but he should get more.I wanted to say this for a while but I sort of missed the opportunity to, so I’m going to say it here because it is semi-relevant as a pre-game story: I think the whole “Panthers 2nd half trouble” storyline is media bullshit. The Seahawks weren’t nearly as close to winning as the media made it believable. They had to convert an off

Official Softball Baseball Car shirt

I enjoyed UH very much. I came to UH alone (the family wasn’t there – different state-supported myself) and was very depressed the first week at university. The question was “how am I going to be able to do this alone?”. The orientation I saw tons of incoming freshmen with their families and friends and then there I was, alone. I was at a low point and didn’t qualify for any kind of grants (due to fam not willing to provide tax returns). Loans became difficult to apply for due to Official Softball Baseball Car shirt this as well. I was working 35-40 hours a week and taking 4-5 classes each semester. I drove my work truck to class so I could head to work after class ended. Then I met my first friend. Socializing turned the experience around tremendously. The many friends I met in UH (including the instructors) I still talk to today. These are the memories you will remember fondly years later (especially the 5 friend all-nighters in the UH Art building and sleeping in our cars Official S

Top American Flag Not Made In China shirt

You eat a lot of bugs if you take it out of the city/residential with just goggles by the way. If you go out to somewhere wild, I ride a motorcycle with no windshield, depending on where you live you can bring back a helmet absolutely covered in bug guts. I sold my dad’s Ariel Atom like 3 years ago. Texas tried to pull his title so it caused problems with registration. It was just sitting in the car collection so I put up on Top American Flag Not Made In China shirt Craigslist and sold it to the guy that wanted a track car. I loved hitting the streets in that car! When I delivered it to the guy I took him on a test drive and he couldn’t stop smiling! Great buy, have fun be safe! A lot of atoms have Montana plates, but it usually isn’t for tax avoidance. There’s some loophole with registering a Montana LLC that makes insurance and registration much easier. Initially, it’s a pain in the ass but a lot of people go that route. With the Montana Llc method, you can Top American Flag Not Made

Top I May Be Old But I Was A Iron Maiden Girl When It Was Cool Vintage shirt

That night he dreamt that he was back in the Great Sept of Baelor, still standing vigil over his father’s corpse. The sept was still and dark until a woman emerged from the shadows and walked slowly to the bier. “Sister?” he said. But it was not Cersei. She was all in grey, a Top I May Be Old But I Was A Iron Maiden Girl When It Was Cool Vintage shirt silent sister. A hood and veil concealed her features, but he could see the candles burning in the green pools of her eyes. “Sister,” he said, “what would you have of me?” His last word echoed up and down the sept, mememememememe. “I am not your sister, Jaime.” She raised a pale soft hand and pushed her hood back. “Have you forgotten me?” Can I forget someone I never knew? The words caught in his throat. He did know her, but it had been so long… “Will you forget your own lord father too? I wonder if you ever knew him, truly.” Her eyes were green, her hair spun gold. He could not tell how old she was. Fifteen, he Top I May Be Old But I Was

Top I May Be Old But I Was A Metallica Band Girl When It Was Cool Vintage shirt

Interesting to hear them link up the changes in the nature of their performance on stage to the musical changes in Metal Galaxy. Su and Moa aren’t talking in this interview about one theme of the album – the duality of light/dark sun/moon disc 1/2 su/moa – but rather about breaking or reshaping Babymetal into the next phase, starting again, continuing to evolve. Not Babymetal + Avengers, as Moa said elsewhere, but the single unitary Top I May Be Old But I Was A Metallica Band Girl When It Was Cool Vintage shirt Babymetal.Interesting to hear them link up the changes in the nature of their performance on stage to the musical changes in Metal Galaxy. I thought more bands like us, I mean, female bands playing hard and heavy music, would come out. On the contrary, however, some metal bands are now becoming pop-ish or employing dance performance, which was very interesting to me. I hope we could influence others like that, as we ourselves evolve with influence from others. Su and Moa aren’t

Top Spider Man Skeleton You Wouldn’t Understand shirt

In my own homebrew campaign, my party has interacted with about 4 liches over 3 campaigns (my campaigns go until they are level 20, so they have plenty of opportunities to interact with higher powers) They interacted with one lich who was doing a bit of archaeology in bringing back an Top Spider Man Skeleton You Wouldn’t Understand shirt old city destroyer (basically a tarrasque) and that was fun to watch them fighting the lich plus the lich’s bone claw minion and skeleton/zombie hordes roaming an abandoned ancient city. It was a great experience for them to deal with something uber-powerful, but outside of its lair. They had a lot of fun, I had a lot of fun when I made the warlocks head explode thanks to Psychic Scream. Another group is dealing with a lich who put a powerful curse on their conartist who used the lich’s name in conning people of their money. When the lich found out (it is not like the con artist knew whose name it was he was dragging in the mud) the Lich then visited t

Top Heeler Dog Royal and Loyal America Flag Independence Day Art shirt

I bake for agility trials as well!! I tell my workers, when I’m trial chair, there are cookies for workers, and I watch the sheets filled with people eager to work. Thanks!! This boy has NO fear. He was never scared of the teeter, especially, so we had to be extra careful not to Top Heeler Dog Royal and Loyal America Flag Independence Day Art shirt let him run wild before he understood how to work for the board (so he didn’t get hurt). I just need to get him to give a crap about the weaves. People think mines camo, but it’s actually just so scratched up its developed a pattern. I’ve had it for 5 years. It’s been in 5 countries, dropped off numerous moving vehicles. left full for inappropriate amounts of time, and generally mistreated, but it’s never failed to keep my coffee warm all day long. I once walked 3 miles in 100+ degree heat for it because I lost it. It’s a 99 cent mug from goodwill. I look at people with $60 yeti mugs and think “they’ll never develop the connection to Top Hee

Official Never Underestimate A Girl With Drums Vintage shirt

Robin will never have any other great fight, aside from some assistance. She is not a fighter, but an intellectual, and a refined person. She does not like a fight, and does not need to because her nakamas are here to protect her most of the time. The only one on one real fight was with Yama because Yama was the exact opposite or Robin: a brutal, idiot being wasting archaeological ruins in front of Robin’s eyes, and her powers outmatched Yama’s straight, it was like an Official Never Underestimate A Girl With Drums Vintage shirt Rhino fighting a clever hunter. Robin’s interest in the One Piece series comes from her intellect and her true history seeking a goal, plus her refined personality and her intel collecting ability. She will of course assist fights and wipe off the weaklings, but she will never di more than that. The fight with Diamante, the last big one, was more protecting Rebecca so Kyros could fight freely with Diamante. Her power is also good with fast enemies, like Hakuba,

Official I Like The Books And I Cannot Lie Flowers shirt

A quick introduction – I’m Fran Hart, of Fran Hart’s Fabulous Frocks and Happy Haberdashery. It’s a bit of a mouthful, but a unique shop requires a unique name to match, and my humble establishment is truly one of a kind. You wouldn’t think so if you were to wander in here, try on some dresses, maybe pick through some cufflinks. An appearance of normality is essential to Official I Like The Books And I Cannot Lie Flowers shirt  maintaining the safety of both my business and my customers, and the revenues from my hand-sewn apparel in the front room keep the shop afloat, puts food in my mouth.As I’m sure you all understand, things as they appear and things as they truly are rarely one and the same. And while I adore sewing dresses and curating my collection of handsome accessories, my true passion lies within another craft entirely. In fact, this entire business serves as a front so that I may deliver this craft discretely. When you peddle a service as unique as I do, anonymity is key –

Top I May Be Old But I Was A Sammy Hagar Girl When It Was Cool Vintage shirt

Jerry Garcia has said the same thing about tone is in your fingers. Like yeah, he had a crazy rig that you can pull a bunch of sounds out of, but the real magic was in his ability to control every aspect of his picking. He could pluck the same note for a whole measure but keep it interesting the whole time. I was only into the studio dead until I saw a show. Actually being there is a whole different thing and being in the crowd, you feel like you’re a part of the jam. The music Top I May Be Old But I Was A Sammy Hagar Girl When It Was Cool Vintage shirt takes you places. And I listen to live shows to try to get to those places.For the Bugera, the tone is amazing I just discovered it thanks to you however a 150w amp o.O? I don’t play in stadiums in front of thousands. For quality/price the Bugera wins for sure However if you are looking for the ultimate amp the bray is clearly the brown sound. David Bray Top I May Be Old But I Was A Sammy Hagar Girl When It Was Cool Vintage shirt worked

Nice Gardening Yoga shirt

Think of it as endless short term memory, but unable to add to the long term. The moment this instance of her being,  instance  in the sense of how long she has been running on the computers at the base, ends, nothing will be saved. Remember how Jeager mentioned how there is a back up of his memories, but it’d only be the memories from when he graduated the Revenant program. Its why I used RAM over the short term since its more accurate, also the whole situation is fascinating, I wonder what  Nice Gardening Yoga shirt  Eagle is gonna do with it. That’s literally what I said, the instance of her memories here are likely from just before her sacrifice, and they have been running her since  before  they even made their home in the base. Presumably, they’d be able to upload this instance into a new synth frame, where all the memories she has accumulated since her death can be saved permanently. The main issue is that if the computers at the facility are reset, she would die, in that she wo

Top Turtle Aholic shirt

Calf slicer is nice, but don’t forget the other leg locks entries you might already recognize which are actually easy to  learn  from top turtle and very effective. The whole subject of leg locks from top turtle isn’t really tackled in BJJ because it is not as compatible with BJJ scoring system/philosophy. Sport Sambo is the grappling art that you should look to IMO. While modern BJJ  Top Turtle Aholic shirt  players are overall much better at leg locks, Sambists are traditionally better at leg locks from unorthodox positions and straight ankle locks. Sambo values throwing a lot more nowadays, but this information is still taught and readily available. Calf slicer from the truck, crucifix (jam your knee in and dig for arm/head grips/transition to RNC if you are no-gi), and collapsing into  side  control are a nice trinity to work off the turtle. A straight calf slicer truck entry can be difficult if they expect it so you use that to slide your knee in between their knee and elbow and s

Official Belle And Aurora Friends shirt

I’m truly amazed by how many different sides of Jonghyun there are, every time I think I understand him he does  something  weird or unexpected. How can it be that the person who dressed like a mermaid and drove a toy car in the VCR, the person who stripped on stage, the person crying out of love for his fans, and the person who hosts a 12am radio show be all the same person? Jjongie loves his boy fans so much and Minho had to go and spoil it 😛 Nah, this sounds incredible, I’m so  Official Belle And Aurora Friends shirt  jealous. I’m so jealous of OP, I pray I’ll be able to go to one of their concerts one day. He addressed it directly and didn’t wait for SM to handle it. While SHINee as a whole literally shines the brightest, Jonghyun has  started  to make a name for himself outside of his members while always staying true to SHINee [if that makes sense??? No one stans SHINee more than SHINee]. I’m so excited to see what else he can do in the future. This is only just a beginning in m

Official Belle And Aurora My best friend sister by blood but she’s my sister by heart shirt

I’m a HUMONGOUS fan of grunge rock. Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, Nirvana, and Pearl Jam are  probably  my four favorite bands of all time. I like a lot of music in general, but that is my favorite type by a mile. I just love how different it is compared to other forms of rock, and the sound and meaning of all of the songs are just phenomenal. I’ve also been getting a bit into doom and sludge metal the past few weeks. I’m totally in awe of Judas Priest. Don’t know if they are considered “metal metal” but what a name. To defend Judas of all the people. Maybe Judas thought Jesus was a fraud. Looking at all the fraudulent miracle workers  Official Belle And Aurora My best friend sister by blood but she’s my sister by heart shirt  I can’t help but think that. So many people proclaim to be prophets. If people felt amazing miracles were performed, there is only one explanation – magic tricks. This is a beautiful look. The old Hollywood aspect of it is something that can be considered very “c

Top Funcle like a dad only cooler see also handsome extraordinary shirt

I thought surely you must be kidding when I first read your post. But you’re not, are you? I have never heard of such a thing! I have absolutely no advice except to just ignore those people who are doing this to you. What could you possibly say to them?  Just  by virtue of them acting this way in the first place, then you know anything you have to say about it will not be heard. Congrats on your engagement! Edit -I  do  have one more thing to say! You and your fiancee had the best  Top Funcle like a dad only cooler see also handsome extraordinary shirt  have the talk about letting her mother move in with you guys. That’s going to be a given to this woman – the MIL, not the fiancee. She is probably already packing up her things. Ohhhh honey child. I’ve been there myself. After much much schooling and  additional  “training,” my husband and I started making “real” money. While home for the holidays my own mother comes out of NOWHERE-Ville and claims “I bet I make more money than you !” …

Nice Unicorn Quarantined on my 10th birthday shirt

Low COL dev here (67k, ~3 years of experience). I really love this concept of sharing  numbers  and budgets in any area, it helps debunk myths of quality of living and COL area correlations. I applaud your savings initiative with the balance of the nice apartment. You do you, OP. I do have a question  Nice Unicorn Quarantined on my 10th birthday shirt  though- if you didn’t move to the area for your first job, do you think your quality of life would be comparable? Or was the first job a great reason to move out because jobs weren’t promising? I’m originally from North Carolina near Raleigh so there were actually plenty of solid jobs that I could have gotten as there is a small tech scene there (I actually applied to a few jobs there before coming to the bay area, but was pretty set on moving here). Honestly the biggest reason I  moved  here wasn’t for the salaries (wasn’t even aware of them at the time), it was mostly for the startup scene since I knew that’s something I wanted to purs

Nice As a Gemini have 3 sides the quiet and sweet side the fun and crazy side shirt

Very high praise indeed. Baen Books is the publisher  bastion  of most of the last serious hard sci-fi that cares about story and not just virtue signaling. The Bolo novel universe was started by Keith Laumer and has since featured novels and short stories from many of today’s best sci-fi and fantasy authors. It is based around sentient Mega tanks and their gradual approach to becoming human. I was thinking along the lines of the Persian Immortals. Kill one  Nice As a Gemini have 3 sides the quiet and sweet side the fun and crazy side shirt  another step forth. Kill him and another step forth. Kill four hundred and sixty-three. There will be a sixty-fourth. Eventually, you’ll get tired, your strikes will slow your shield will drop and the Four Hundred and Sixty-fourth man will drive his blade through your gut and all you’ll see is his smile and you’ll hear are the voices of the four  hundred  and sixty-three dead men laughing, telling you that you were never going to be good enough. I’

Nice Unicorn Quarantined on my 9th birthday shirt

I’m originally from North Carolina near Raleigh so there were  actually  plenty of solid jobs that I could have gotten as there is a small tech scene there (I actually applied to a few jobs there before coming to the bay area, but was pretty set on moving here). Honestly the biggest reason I moved here wasn’t for the salaries (wasn’t even aware of them at the time), it was mostly for the startup scene since I knew that’s something I wanted to pursue. My quality of life probably would have  Nice Unicorn Quarantined on my 9th birthday shirt  definitely started out BETTER if I had stayed in NC, but now I think that they would be pretty equal since there’s not really much I could change to increase it significantly. That being said, I have always been able to save way more in the bay area. Not OP, but I live in the bay area. I live near  Sunnyvale  so the nightlife options are limited, but still good bars to hang out at. The  Nice Unicorn Quarantined on my 9th birthday shirt  only problem

Nice Unicorn Quarantined on my 8th birthday shirt

So, are you one of the bombardier’s here at the airport? We’ve  probably  crossed paths a few times then. As an employee at DIA myself, I can attest to the fact that most everything description-wise about the airport that OP has said is true. The train connecting the main terminal with concourses A, B, and C is one I take multiple times a day. There’s a lot of weird artwork you can see from the train itself. Like hands outstretched running down the  Nice Unicorn Quarantined on my 8th birthday shirt  tunnel and pickaxes reaching you. I’ve never been in the train tunnels myself but there are doors in the tunnels that, knowing the geography of the airport, shouldn’t lead anywhere, yet there’s a door there. There’s a lot of doors like that all over DIA tbh… Like I said earlier, I don’t have anything like what OP has experienced. My  experiences  tend to deal more with the paranormal side of the DIA theories. Walking across the A-Bridge at night has yielded some weird times. Along with the

Nice Unicorn Quarantined on my 4th birthday shirt

I’m originally from North Carolina near Raleigh so there were actually  plenty  of solid jobs that I could have gotten as there is a small tech scene there (I actually applied to a few jobs there before coming to the bay area, but was pretty set on moving here). Honestly the biggest reason I moved here wasn’t for the salaries (wasn’t even aware of them at the time), it was mostly for the startup scene since I knew that’s something I wanted to  Nice Unicorn Quarantined on my 4th birthday shirt  pursue. My quality of life probably would have definitely started out BETTER if I had stayed in NC, but now I think that they would be pretty equal since there’s not really much I could change to increase it significantly. That being said, I have always been able to save way more in the bay area. Not OP, but I live in the bay area. I live near Sunnyvale so the nightlife options are limited, but still  good  bars to hang out at. The only problem is, it’s hard for me to meet friends that are into t

Top This Is My Senior Skip Day Month Semester Shirt

I just wanted to say thanks for writing this out and telling your story. As a woman, the incel community TERRIFIES me. I understand that those boys/men are most likely dealing with mental illness, but it’s very hard to be nice or extend a  helping  hand to people who threaten to (or actually do) harass, rape, and kill women based on their ideology. On the contrary, as hard as that seems to help incels, that’s what people need to be doing. It’s not like I have all the  Top This Is My Senior Skip Day Month Semester Shirt  solutions to how to solve the mess of boys being lured into such toxic online communities, but shaming them and making fun of them will only push them in further. I can’t imagine someone who’s a full-blown incel to self-reflect after someone shames them for their choices/thoughts: it will usually make them just feel more misunderstood and isolated. I am sorry if you’ve ever fallen victim to an incel  group  or have received threatening messages from them. It is very une

Nice I am a turtle aholic shirt

Well the main difference is that there are separate categories of a turtle  because  of the amount of mobility they have/time spent on land vs in the water. Turtle turtles  can  move on land, but as I’m sure you know from sea turtles they move very slowly and are much more agile in the water. Therefore, turtles other than terrapins and tortoises live most of their lives in water. Fun fact: When Wizards of the Coast were thinking up new fantasy races for Dungeons & Dragons, they  Nice I am a turtle aholic shirt  decided to make a race of anthropomorphic turtle-folk. And what, you ask, did they choose to name this race of anthropomorphic turtle-folk? They named them Turtles. Someone’s job was to come up with a name for the turtle people and they got paid actual money for “Tortle.”Some people seem to be confused by Terrapins. As far as I know it goes like this –  Turtles  live in the sea, Tortoises live on the land, Terrapins live in freshwater. All three are technically turtles. Also

Top Fluff You You Fluffin’fluff Funny Cats Shirt

Don’t worry about it man, people disagree with an opinion and  downvote  away. you can’t please everyone with your own opinion, I mostly ignore up/down views as they are 100% useless and not an indication of, well anything….I’m pretty sure this is some seller from a non-English speaking country that this mass-produces shirts with all sorts of sayings on them. They take a stock photo of some model in a solid T-shirt and place the image of whatever text on  Top Fluff You You Fluffin’fluff Funny Cats Shirt  top about 8 million times for 8 million shirts. If this isn’t done by a machine with little human oversight or quality control at all, it’s surely done by someone who doesn’t speak English and has no idea what it says. It was a seller on Amazon, yes. It wasn’t an Amazon brand like the Amazon Basics line or Solimo. Pretty much anyone can be a seller on Amazon and your article says it was programmatically generated and a stock model, which is what I said. I think that’s a very important

Nice All I need is hockey and 3 tacos shirt

I am feeling so  thick  right now. I want you to come over here so I can give your  cream  a nice  pound . I’d have you releasing  honey  all over the bed in  37  seconds flat. I’d let you put your  noodle  in my  saucepan  to fill you with pleasure, then I’d  explore  your  cave  while it’s in my  forest  and do it until I  Nice All I need is hockey and 3 tacos shirt  can’t  explore  for a whole  seven moon cycles ! Oh, baby, I just  wanna  rub some  books  all over you, it would make me feel so  kinky . Does this make you feel  adorable  hun? I hope it does, I love to see you  ravage . Send me pics of your  teasing   wing . I just spent a miserable week at your  disgruntled  hotel. Your advertisement in my  hometown   beehive  was an outrageous  TRS-80 . You said you provided guests with a welcome basket of  pipe cleaners . All I found in my room was a  demijohn  filled with  anteaters . You also  Nice All I need is hockey and 3 tacos shirt  claimed to offer free overnight  galloping

Top Astros Dad A Son’s First Hero A Daughter’s First Love Shirt

Houston sports hype is at an all-time high. The Astros have won the World  Series  for the first time in franchise history, the Rockets are still projected to be one of the best teams in the NBA, and the Texans have a rookie going toe-to-toe with Brady and Wilson. The Colts, your most hated rival, is in town and down a franchise QB. TIME FOR AN ACL TEAR. Savage is now your QB again. You feel nothing. Justin Watt, the person, is amazing for what he’s done to  Top Astros Dad A Son’s First Hero A Daughter’s First Love Shirt  to help our community. My confidence in Justin Watt, the football player, has been shot with the number of games he’s missed as of late. Still think he will have an impact on the team, though. Also, our city is weird. We have no problem filling the  stadium  if the Texans were 0-16 but struggle with the Rocket attendance. I’m honestly hyped to see what the new GM can do with the open cap space. Still gotta take care of Clowney’s extension at some point, though. It’s a