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Mine SO skipped out on my last one even though I asked him to be there for it (my previous one was traumatic due to my doc saying she may as well do it as I had a miscarriage at the time). He had decided OT at work was more important than taking me to the doc and driving me home after, I wasn’t even asking him to come inside the exam room. Long story short, while it wasn’t actually a bad exam (I like my new clinic!) it did still mess me up thinking about the miscarriage for a week after. Mine SO asked me (in a very ‘what’s the big deal’ way) why I couldn’t get over it. He was so Official 45 Very Bad Would Not Recommend ShirtOfficial 45 Very Bad Would Not Recommend Shirt sorry as he didn’t realize what was entailed in the visit and didn’t put two and two together about the timing. He had forgotten all about it.
So I explained the fun-ness of a Pap smear in detail and how not only did I have someone I don’t know stick a speculum where the sun don’t shine and then swirl a spikey brush inside to gather cells (which bonus can make me bleed!) but I had to a) relive the memory of the last time having been when I lost a child I wanted and b) had to walk home from the doctor’s office (20-30 mins). Mine SO is a good man, usually on the ball, and this Official 45 Very Bad Would Not Recommend ShirtOfficial 45 Very Bad Would Not Recommend Shirt story makes him sound terrible. But I think a lot of the time, men don’t really know all the intimate stuff women go through. And how awful and upsetting it can be. Funny enough, I got pregnant a month later and now we are expecting a new babe in the next 5ish weeks.
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