Official 2019 Al West Division Champions Houston Astros Shirt

Philly would crucify him. I understand he’s from Vegas, but something about seeing him in full Vegas gear really pissed me off. Especially when the rest of the Nats organization were such huge supporters of the Caps. I freakin love how much those two teams support each other. Also, fuck Bryce Harper.I’m not a Nats fan(Orioles represent) but he was just so smug about it. He’s allowed to be a fan but sitting in box seats rooting against the city you play for is just a bad look. The nats/caps definitely have a cool relationship. It was funny watching the Official 2019 Al West Division Champions Houston Astros Shirt caps celebrate the nats winning the World Series. As a Caps fan, I don’t think anything will ever top the enjoyment I got from watching the week-long drunk fest that was the Washington Capitals post-Stanley Cup celebration. They owned the entire D.C. area that summer. If they showed up at your wedding reception and announced they were taking over the bar, you would’ve let them. It was truly amazing. My best friend is an Official 2019 Al West Division Champions Houston Astros Shirt Blues fan, so I was riding that train last year. It was pretty amazing that both our teams won their first Stanley Cup in back-to-back years. And as a bonus, the Blues prevented Boston from celebrating another championship. America thanks you for that!
Official 2019 Al West Division Champions Houston Astros Hoodie

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