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Sure, just throw away your vote on Supervolcano. You know they don’t stand a chance in the general election, right? And besides, their platform is basically the same as Meteor, just with more emphasis on domestic policy. A vote for Supervolcano is a vote for Cthulhu. We should make a subreddit dedicated to the election of 1820 and its three and a half candidates instead of this mess. Loser Supervolcano is probably an immigrant: he tunnels in and you just assume he was born here? What is he hiding? Magma crosses borders. But Cthulhu comes from R’lyeh, which is almost certainly claimed by the US (we’ll get our lawyers onto it). The story of Vhoorl is of course fake Nice Election US President 2020 Democrat Republican Joe Exotic Shirt by Crooker Meteor. Giant Meteor is 4.5 billion years old. It has always been in the vicinity of Earth, biding its time, waiting for an electoral endorsement of its crater and dust cloud platform. It is much older than Yellowstone, which is only a few million years old. Even as a hotspot on the Snake River Plain or Columbia Plateau before taking up residence in Wyoming, Yellowstone is only tens of millions of years old. And Cthulhu is one of the Nice Election US President 2020 Democrat Republican Joe Exotic Shirt. I don’t know exactly how old that makes him, but he’s older than humanity. He might be much older than the Earth, having taken up residence here from elsewhere long ago.
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