Nice Conservative Never Sorry For Being Right Shirt

I don’t know. I gave a lecture on human anatomy and was doing ranges of motion of the shoulder. Held my arm out to the front and raised before rotating to the side and moving it back and forth. Slightly panicking as I realized what an out of context snippet could look like I thought it would be a bright idea to get the entire lecture theatre to hold their arms to the side, just to reinforce that we’re talking human limbs not German politics of the 1930s. Obviously they were packed much too tightly for that and I was greeted by a sea of forwarding raised arms. My brain 404’d, I rushed to an unrelated section of the talk and just started mashing slides. I just Nice Conservative Never Sorry For Being Right Shirt want you to know that this has had me giggling for a good few minutes on a pretty shitty day. Thanks, stranger! He definitely had a certain creative spark and a “no-filter” appeal. His gruff masculinity can be really charming, and some of his early stuff with VICE was kind of brilliant. However, it became apparent some time ago that his unfiltered thoughts are pretty disgusting, and founding a violent, homophobic mob is indefensible. Isn’t it interesting how republicans are continuously using the word desperate to describe liberals, but the desperate thing is trying to preserve a reality that doesn’t really exist anymore because the collective mind of humanity has evolved beyond that and cant be attained to such retrograde standards because it would mean they would lose gained advantages? It’s like: you can’t be as cute as a Nice Conservative Never Sorry For Being Right Shirt Pikachu and have the powers of a Raichu, you got to chose. Or like, you cant be as funny as the prince of bel air and also save humanity on independence day, once you grew there isn’t coming back.
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